
Monthly Archives: April 2023

Why does limitation camouflage goodbyes?

I placate anxiety,

with standardized ego dispersion

There is a timely jostle, 

in the vortex, 

of your accentuations  

I panicked & quickly hit delete, 

but I’m just relocating the genesis, 

while timidity begins to startle automation

How can we hinder reciprocity? 

I sort my obliging festive journey in your lap  

There are mannequins, 

inviting exemplary hyper realism,

to wonder this polyester laced compartment

I need foreign sentimentality, 

understood with my tongue

How to address the conglomerate,

of network overlays?  

I beckon for incitement,

from existentially nutritious violence  

There is undocumented rusting trauma,

parasitically joining every choice

The fragility of belief,   

hunts our illusionistic anchor  

There are soul whispers,

dancing in your activated membrane